Informatics and Computer Engineering Department

The Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering was inaugurated on June 2, 2014 which aims to produce graduates of applied science graduates who are experienced and able to solve problems in the field of Informatics and Computer Engineering by analyzing, designing and building systems.

 Currently the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering has four study programs, namely Informatics Engineering, Multimedia and Network Engineering, Digital Multimedia Engineering and Computer and Network Engineering.

 In addition, there are cooperation programs both domestically and abroad. Domestic cooperation program classes organized by the ICT department in collaboration with B2PKLN Cevest Bekasi and in collaboration with CCIT Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia. Meanwhile, the cooperation with foreign countries between the ICT Department and Asia e-University Malaysia is AeU Informatics Engineering and Multimedia Engineering and AeU Networks.


Informatics Engineering Study Program

It is a Bachelor of Applied Science (S.ST) education program for the Diploma IV level of vocational education. With a study completion time of 4 years, the same as the undergraduate program (S1).

This Informatics Engineering Study Program obtained a permit from the Higher Education on December 17, 2010. By Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 217/D/O/2010. This study program offers regular programs for high school science and vocational high school graduates in the field of electrical engineering or informatics engineering.

Graduates can work independently as ICT Workers (Programmers) who can analyze, design and build enterprise-scale information systems based on expertise in the field of databases and networks.


Multimedia and Network Engineering Study Program

It is a vocational education at the Diploma IV level, a Bachelor of Applied Science (S.ST) educational program that offers regular programs for graduates of SMA IPA and SMK in the field of computer network engineering/electrical engineering/informatics engineering. This program is concentrated in the field of Multimedia and Network Engineering, which aims to educate students to have the ability to install intranet, WAN, and Internet-scale computer networks, be able to analyze network/system security and create security systems, create IoT systems/embedded systems, and also able to design dashboard display forms that can be applied to IoT systems and network security systems.
This Multimedia and Network Engineering Study Program received permission from the Directorate of Higher Education on April 7 2015, based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 105/M/Kp/III/2015. Graduates of this program can work independently or work in companies as Network Engineers, Cyber ​​Security Engineers, Network Consultants, Network Designers, Data Center Engineers, Digital Forensic Engineers, Network Quality Assurance, IoT Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers, Big Data Engineers, Data Scientist, and Technical Support Manager.


Digital Multimedia Engineering Study Program 

It is a Bachelor of Applied Science (S.ST) education program for the Diploma IV level of vocational education. With a study completion time of 4 years, the same as the undergraduate program (S1). The S1 Applied Digital Multimedia Engineering Study Program was held in 2015 based on Mandate Decree No. 106/E.E2/DT/2014 dated February 14, 2014. This study program has regular classes and collaborative classes with other educational institutions. Other educational institutions that collaborate are Management Science University (MSU)-Malaysia and Asie E University (AeU). The Digital Multimedia Engineering Study Program aims to produce experienced graduates with graduate profiles as Multimedia developers, Game Developers and Animators.

This Informatics Engineering Study Program obtained a permit from the Higher Education on December 17, 2010. By Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 217/D/O/2010. This study program offers regular programs for high school science and vocational high school graduates in the field of electrical engineering or informatics engineering.

Graduates can work independently as ICT Workers (Programmers) who can analyze, design and build enterprise-scale information systems based on expertise in the field of databases and networks.


Computer and Network Engineering Study Program 

The PNJ TKJ Diploma 1 Program is one of the answers to the high need for skilled workers in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) in Indonesia. Based on data from the Association of Informatics and Computer Universities which states that of about 200 public and private universities in the ICT field, only 25,000 graduates are produced each year, whereas the need for ICT workers in the industrial sector alone is around 500,000 per year.
Thus, the available graduates to meet the needs of the world of work, especially in the ICT field, are only around 5%. Meanwhile, according to data from, the projected number of university students in Indonesia in 1995-2020 has an average increase of about 304 people per 5 years for PTN and 660 people for PTS, so IT graduates are still very limited. .
The need for a professional world of work in the ICT field is very high, but the availability of graduates is only about 5%. This shows high interest from the public to get the opportunity to take part in ICT education while only 4.56% can be accommodated, then the opening of the DI Computer and Network Engineering Program at the PNJ Informatics and Computer Engineering Department is a way to fulfill and prepare human resources professionals in the field of ICT in society.

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