Jakarta State Polytechnic Successfully Won the KMIPN III Competition Winner in the Animation, ICT and IoT Business Fields

The National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition or abbreviated as KMIPN is a prestigious competition for vocational higher education institutions in the field of informatics. This time KMIPN III was held at the Malang State Polytechnic (Polinema) online with the theme "Building Excellent Human Resources Through Innovation and Creativity in the Field of Information Technology".

This year, the registered participants consisted of 27 polytechnics, 501 teams, 371 works and 1533 students. While the finalists were 22 polytechnics, 107 teams, 97 works and 325 students. The contested categories are Animation, E-Business, E-Government, Game Development, Hackathon, Innovation, IoT and Security.

The final round of the National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition (KMIPN) III will be held on 22-24 June 2021. Three student teams representing the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering at the Jakarta State Polytechnic at KMIPN III have won in three different branches. The following are the winners of PNJ:


🏆 NCB Motion Tim, 1st Place Animation

🏅 Nindi Savira Samantha - TMD AEU

🏅 Bayu Ruruh Jatmiko (AN)

🏅 Chandra Afif - TMD AEU


🏆 Tinker Tim, 3rd Place ICT Business Field

🏅 Raihan Evanza - TI CCIT 6

🏅 Anugrah Perdana Putra Basyaratu - TI CCIT 6

🏅 Muhammad Faris - TI CCIT 6


🏆 A2D1 Tim, 3rd IoT Field

🏅 Dimas Aulia Fachrudin - TMJ 4

🏅 Anisa Safitri Faiz - TMJ 4

🏅 Arif Setiawan - TMJ 4

Once again congratulations to the three teams above, hopefully they can inspire other Jakarta State Polytechnic students to be able to increase their creativity and dare to compete.

"Achievement is not a coincidence and dreams will never come true without hard work."

List of champions KMIPN III 2021.pdf



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