



Research and Development Bureau

Organizational Management Training

Sesi 1 : 04 April 2021
Sesi 2 : 22 Mei 2021
Sesi 3 : 15 - 21 August 2021

Provide training and understanding of knowledge in organization to HIMATIK 2020/2021 management

Department of Funds and Logistics

Barnaby Inventory

January - October 2021

Manage the procurement, use, storage, and borrowing of the HIMATIK Department of Funds and Logistics inventory

Barnaby Merchandise

January - October 2021

Earn profits by selling and receiving merchandise orders (Jackets, T-shirts, Tote bag, Bracelets, Stickers)

Barnaby Online Shop

March - October 2021

* To find funds

* To sell products in Barnaby

* As an offline store transition constrained by the pandemic


January - October 2021

Providing information about entrepreneurship to Informatics and Computer Engineering students

Spiritual Department

KABIR (Kajian Bimbingan Insan Rabbani)

17 July 2021

* Channelling the interest of Muslim students at the Jakarta State Polytechnic and the general public in the spiritual field.

* Understand and explore and discuss Islamic teachings so that Muslim youths at the Jakarta State Polytechnic and the general public can implement and practice them correctly, and make them a guide and guide for life.

* Improving the relationship between Muslim youth at the Jakarta State Polytechnic and the general public.

* Increase awareness of the Islamic Youth / i Generation regarding culture in interacting on social media.


12 March 2021

Become a forum for students majoring in ICT in charity or infaq activities.


20 March 2021

1. Increase students' love for ALLAH SWT and the Qur'an as well as knowledge to students majoring in Informatics and Computer Engineering about the Islamic religion.

2. Become a forum for students majoring in ICT, especially those who are Muslim, to listen to tausiyah and study religion.


Once a month every 2nd week, and on religious celebration days

1. Provide insight to the members of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering;

2. Increase faith and piety.


27 April 2021

It is a habit for ICT students to start something with a prayer so that everything that will be done becomes a good value.

Student Health Department


27 July 2021 - 09 August 2021

Explore and develop the potential interests of ICT students

SARI ROTIK (Sehat dan Riang Berolahraga bersama TIK)

27 March 2021

Cultivate sports and environmental health activities which are the venue for gathering ICT students during the pandemic


Implementation throughout the 2020/2021 HIMATIK RISING management period

Provide the latest information about 32ersuasiv and sports to broaden the knowledge of ICT students.

Department of Communication and Information

FKJ (Forum Komunikasi Jurusan)

25 April 2021

• Introducing HIMATIK.

• Exchange ideas and stay in touch with other associations within PNJ

* As a communication forum to find out what agendas and work programs have been implemented or are currently running.

Maintenance Twitter

Periode HIMATIK RISING 2020/2021

As a medium for disseminating information and a forum for interacting with ICT students

Maintenance Youtube

Periode HIMATIK RISING 2020/2021

Promote PNJ HIMATIK and PNJ ICT Department and share information with ICT students or the wider community.

MOTOR VARIO (Motivation Words and Various Information)

Periode HIMATIK RISING 2020/2021

Provide motivation and share information to students in the ICT Department of PNJ.

Studi Banding

12 June 2021

* Promote HIMATIK PNJ.

* Expanding knowledge and exchanging ideas with student institutions that are still in the same realm as ICT.

* As material for introspection and evaluation in carrying out HIMATIK management.

Tell Me

Periode HIMATIK RISING 2020/2021

Promote HIMATIK social media (especially Instagram) and create interactions between Himatic Communications and Information Technology students

Department of Education and Technology

Itechno Cup

7 August 2021 - 15 August 2021

1. As a competition in the field of technology

2. Improving the quality of education to develop the potential for skills between Vocational High Schools/Equivalent High Schools & Universities to provide Inspiration & Aspirations.

APRES MAPRES (Apresiasi Mahasiswa Berprestasi)

Implementation throughout the 2020/2021 HIMATIK RISING management period

To increase the enthusiasm of ICT students in improving their achievements in academic and non-academic fields. As well as a sign of pride from HIMATIK for outstanding ICT students.

(Gudang Ilmu TIK)

Implementation throughout the 2020/2021 HIMATIK RISING management period

* Helping new ICT students in getting exam questions references

* Provide information about competitions, scholarships and job vacancies to all ICT students

KSM Meet Up

7 April 2021 & 12 August 2021

* Discussing the developments and problems that exist in each KSM ICT Department

* Establish friendship and good communication between KSM Department of ICT and the Ministry of Education and Technology.

Internal Competition

4 August 2021

Improve the quality and ability of ICT Department students in the field of Technology and prepare for national level competitions.

(TIK Knowledge Widen in Informatic Things)

17 July 2021

Educate students of the ICT Department to gain knowledge related to the latest technology used in the industrial world 4.0.

Student Social Department

Satu Aksi Untuk Masyarakat (SAUM) 2021

21 - 28 August 2021

* Increase awareness, concern, and family of PNJ ICT students to be able to contribute to community service programs.

* Making SAUM 2021 a sustainable PNJ HIMATIK community service program through the development and empowerment of the assisted villages.

* Empowering the Sukaraksa village community in maximizing the potential of the village both in terms of human resources and natural resources.

* Bringing the good name of the Jakarta State Polytechnic campus through cooperation in the social field with the local government and related institutions.

* Provide teaching in learning and the creative economy to the people of Sukaraksa Village.


Friday, 06 August 2021

* Inviting students from the Department of ICT to have a friendly relationship.

* As a form of gratitude for the services that have been provided

* Increase the sense of concern for the helpers and admins of the ICT Department.

Dialogue Course

21 April 2021

* Provide a means for discussion between PNJ Informatics and Computer Engineering students and PNJ Informatics and Computer Engineering Department structural parties.

* Looking for joint solutions to various kinds of problems that exist.

* Strengthening the relationship between students and the structural parties of the Department of Informatics and Computer PNJ.

Sosma Talk


* To convey information on advocacy and bureaucratic flow broadly.

* To create a forum for ICT students to express their complaints.

* To help ICT students who are experiencing advocacy and bureaucratic problems.

Department of Social Politics

Post of Politics

Implementation throughout the 2020/2021 HIMATIK RISING management period

* Educating students of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering related to socio-political issues that are currently hot both inside and outside campus

* Adding insight to students of the Informatics and Computer Engineering Department related to historical events or past socio-political movements


Monday, 09 August 2021

* As a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas between students and resource persons.

* Expected to be able to strengthen the ties of brotherhood among students of the Jakarta State Polytechnic.

* Expected to open and add insight for students related to the themes discussed.

Gebyar Kemerdekaan (GERAKAN)

11 - 17 August 2021

* Increase the sense of nationalism of students majoring in Informatics and Computer Engineering.

* Become a place for creativity for students of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering.


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