Internet of Things (IoT) Public Lecture for Multimedia and Network Engineering Study Program 2021

Public lectures are routine activities that are carried out annually for each study program in the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering. This year's Multimedia and Network Engineering public lecture carries the theme of IoT (Internet of Thing) and Cyber ​​Security. The Internet of Things, also known as IoT, is a concept that is still evolving, so it doesn't have a definite definition. IoT uses programming to generate interactions between machines without human intervention. This interaction utilizes internet connectivity that is connected continuously. Communication between machines or objects using IoT technology can be in the form of data exchange or remote control. The technology is also a major supporter of smart city development.

Cyber ​​security is technology, the process of protecting systems, data, networks and programs from digital threats or attacks, while the benefits of cyber security itself are to maintain and prevent misuse of access and use of data in information technology systems from someone who does not have the right to access or utilize data in the system.

Public lecture activities will be held on Thursday, June 3, 2021, starting at 08.00, conducted online using the Zoom application as a media. Participants who take part are devoted to Multimedia and Network Engineering students, as well as their lecturers. but it is possible for students and also lecturers from other study programs to join. The resource persons invited to this activity are competent in their fields, namely Mr. Rino and Mr. Budiarto.

Mr. Rino discussed cybersecurity, he is an employee of the BSSN (National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency) and also a staff member of the president of the cyber security sector. The questions asked by the participants, especially the lecturer participants, were very well responded to, as were the questions from the students.

One of the questions from the lecturer participants asked about a hot issue, namely the leaking of population data of Indonesian citizens, the answer from the source was very straightforward, namely that this incident could have occurred because of a third party in storing sensitive data. Another question from a student who asked about the techniques that could carry out such leaks, so that they could take precautions so that they do not happen again, were again answered in a straightforward manner by the resource person, namely to be more "aware" to secure personal data. or other sensitive data, such as not distributing it on social media, not storing the data in third parties, and more specifically asking the provider owner to be more responsible for securing customer data.

The second session of this public lecture discussed the Internet of Thing (IoT) which was brought by Mr. Budiarto, he is an expert in the field of IoT, namely a practitioner as well as Founder & Co-Founder of PT. Connecting Smart Objects. No less exciting than the discussion on cybersecurity, the Internet of Thing is currently booming like cybersecurity. The resource person also explained how to build a computerized tool along with the spare-part options that can be used. It also explains the uses of each of these spare-parts.

The questions for this session were dominated by student participants. One of the interesting questions is what is the average cost needed to design an IoT device. the answer from the interviewees was very clear, that to design an IoT tool based on the choice of spare parts to be used, the module to be used varies in terms of price, so when you want to design an IoT tool it can be adjusted to your "budget".

Time ran for approximately 4 hours, participants were very enthusiastic in participating in public lecture activities, so that 4 hours seemed to go by quickly because it was filled with questions and answer discussions between participants and resource persons. Coupled with the host who is quite active in providing responses both from questions and from sources to bridge it. The public lecture was closed at 12 noon local time.



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