The Abirawa team represented by Dimas Aulia Fachrudin Class TMJ 5 Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Jakarta State Polytechnic won third place in the final round of the 2021 Agriculture Innovation Technology Competition (AITEC) - Agricultural Technology Innovation Competition which was held on 6-8 October 2021 at the Jember State Polytechnic. The first and second place winners in this category were won by the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic and Samarinda State Polytechnic (source: https://aitec.polije.ac.id).

Agricultural Innovation Technology Competition (AITeC) 2021 is an activity in the form of a welding competition which is participated by State and Private Polytechnic/Vocational Higher Education students from all over Indonesia. The 2021 Agricultural Innovation Technology Competition (AITeC) competition consists of rounds 1, 2, and the final round. In addition to the Abirawa team, the Jakarta State Polytechnic also sent 2 more teams to the final round, namely the Restu Ibu team (represented by David Nathanael/TMJ 5) and the C8H9N02 team (represented by Teguh Tri Sasongko/TMJ 7).

For information, the Agricultural Technology Innovation Competition is expected to encourage the development of cutting-edge technological innovations in the field of Agriculture (Agriculture) and the Food System adopting technology 4.0 which can connect various sectors and various disciplines in an effort to overcome the challenges of the 21st century agriculture and food sector, including others include:

1. Agricultural Engineering and Biotechnology

2. Organic Agriculture

3. Agroindustry and Agribusiness

4. Animal Nutrition

5. Livestock Production

6. Animal Health

7. Technology of Agricultural Products

8. Food Safety and Security

9. Information Technology in Agriculture

10. Renewable and Novel Energy

11. Forestry

12. Fishery and Marine

13. Dryland Farming

14. Horticultural

15. Plantation

16. Agricultural Waste Treatment.

It is hoped that this competition can attract the concern and interest of the academic community from various disciplines to participate and contribute to finding solutions to problems in the field of agriculture (Agriculture) and the food system to support national food security. The competition is directed to increase efficiency, productivity, and quality of agricultural products by implementing environmentally friendly 4.0 technology. The purpose of this competition is to encourage students to be creative in developing innovative automation technology to overcome various challenges in the agricultural sector which include the agricultural sector of food crops and horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, and forestry.

Once again congratulations to Dimas Aulia Fachrudin and his team, hopefully they can inspire other Jakarta State Polytechnic students to increase their creativity and dare to compete.



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