Ibnu Hajar Boarding School (SMP IHBS) is an Islamic-based junior secondary education institution located in the Cimanggis area, Depok City. As a form of technology provision, IHBS Middle School makes extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning and teaching process. Nowadays, the use of ICT is crucial in the learning and teaching process; Teachers can increase student engagement and success in learning, while students can use existing digital platforms to collaborate with their friends and utilize their creativity in using ICT for learning.

According to sources from IHBS Middle School, one aspect of the use of information technology that has not been maximized in this environment is the use of multimedia in the learning and teaching process. Currently, the application of ICT in the IHBS Middle School environment still tends to be limited to the use of free educational platforms, while the use of multimedia for learning is still limited to PowerPoint slides and videos taken directly from the Internet so that the delivery of material and ideas from teachers cannot be maximized.

Based on the background and problems faced by partners, in this case SMP Ibnu Hajar Boarding School (SMP IHBS), the Digital Multimedia Engineering Study Program (TMD) Jakarta State Polytechnic carries out community service activities implementing science and technology based on Expertise Group Groups (PPI KBK) in collaboration with other parties. IHBS Middle School to develop animated learning media for Indonesian language learning. This subject was chosen as the target learning medium because Indonesian is the language used in everyday life and has a big influence on students' thinking patterns. Through the use of this animation media, it is hoped that the Indonesian language learning process can become more interesting for students, so that students are more motivated to learn and the educational goals of IHBS Middle School can be achieved.

This activity shows the integration of animation technology into the curriculum, which aims to foster a more dynamic and in-depth learning experience for students and through this initiative students at SMP Ibnu Hajar Boarding School are expected to get interactive learning, interesting visual content, and other activities that contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of Indonesian. Principal of IHBS Cimanggis Middle School, Depok City, Sendika Dwipa, B.Sh expressed his joy regarding the positive impact of this initiative.

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