The TMJ Study Program Lecturer and Student Team conducted training and socialization on waste management in Kampung Pulo, Tapos Village, Depok

The team of lecturers and students of the Network Multimedia Engineering Study Program (TMJ) of the Jakarta State Polytechnic conducted training and socialization on waste management and the use of the waste management website at the RW community hall. 011, Tapos Village, Depok City. This training was attended by many members of youth organizations as waste bank managers as well as recitation mothers.

This activity is one of the tri dharma of higher education, namely community service, and this training is aimed at developing an increase in waste management knowledge through community empowerment in waste bank management.

Previously, the TMJ Study Program lecturer team had conducted tool setting activities and exchanged ideas with the youth organization on 13 and 24 August 2022. Then on this day a socialization of citizen empowerment was carried out with presentation of material by resource persons regarding waste management methods and training in the use of waste management and plastic counting tools by sources, namely the TMJ team of lecturers and students of the Jakarta State Polytechnic.

Head of the TMJ study program Defiana Arnaldy hopes that this activity can raise public awareness, especially RW residents. 011 Kelurahan Tapos, Depok City to save waste and this activity is also the initial momentum in fostering collective awareness of the community to start sorting, recycling and utilizing waste.

On the same occasion, the TMJ Study Program Team at the Jakarta State Polytechnic provided a grant for a plastic waste counter tool and a waste management website that is ready to be used in waste administration and is expected to facilitate automatic data processing, increase the speed of weighing services and simplify waste classification.

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